

To promote research, extension and development activities which enhance the welfare, knowledge and skill of the livestock producing community, thereby stimulating sustainable growth in the agricultural sector, in general, and the livestock sub-sector in particular.


  • To develop, test or modify new or existing technologies that can benefit the livestock industry.
  • To provide services that enhance and add value to the livestock farming community.
  • Assist in training of farmers, teachers and students.
  • To preserve and improve indigenous breeds for future generations.

The Livestock Department was established to stimulate and facilitate sustained production of livestock and livestock products through the provision of extension, research and development services. The Livestock Department comprises the following six sections: 

  • The Animal Nutrition Unit is responsible for the nutritional evaluation of forages and rations for livestock and pig and cattle insemination.
  • The Animal Pound is responsible for the storage of stray animals.
    Greenland Livestock Research Station conducts research on rabbits and small ruminants and maintains Barbados BlackBelly Sheep germplasm.
  • Cattle Artificial Insemination (AI)
  • Grasslands
  • Pig Improvement Programme (PIP)


Clients include livestock farmers, students, teachers, farmer’s organisations, livestock companies and the general public. 

Legal Framework

Not applicable

Contact Us 

Animal Nutrition Unit
Mr. Thomas Taylor
Senior Agricultural Assistant
  The Pine Plantation, St. Michael, BB11091, Barbados
 (246) 535-5952

Greenland Livestock Research Station
Mr. John Vaughan
Senior Agricultural Assistant
  Greenland, St. Andrew, Barbados
  (246) 422-9224 or (246) 422-9020


Have something to say?

Reach out to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Security today.