

A professional and citizen-centred entity, promoting the effective development of credible agricultural policy through stakeholder engagement, robust economic analysis and the delivery of relevant and timely information for sound decision-making.

Mission Statement

To provide policy advice on agricultural economic issues, in order to promote and stimulate the development of the agricultural and fisheries sectors in Barbados with the aim of safeguarding the livelihoods of persons dependent upon the sector and ensuring an adequate supply of wholesome food for the entire community.

Major Activities

The functions of the Planning and Communications Unit are as follows:

  • The collection and publishing of statistics on the agricultural and fisheries sectors.
  • The promotion of activities aimed at facilitating enhanced levels of food and nutrition security.
  • Assistance with the formulation of policies and strategies for the development of the agricultural sector.
  • Research, Monitoring and provision of advice on trade issues that impact on agriculture.
  • The promotion of an agribusiness and market oriented approach to farm management that is targeted at increasing the competitiveness of local agricultural produce.
  • Support for the forging of stronger linkages between agriculture and other sectors of the economy.
  • The provision of Photographic, videography, graphic artistry, audio-visual and library services.
  • Production and dissemination of information to the agricultural sector.


Legal Framework

Not applicable

Contact Us

Planning and Communications Unit
Mrs. Suzette Edey-Babb
Chief Economist
  Graeme Hall, Christ Church, Barbados
  (246) 535-5136/535-5138

Have something to say?

Reach out to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Security today.